The more assets you have accrued during your marriage, the more likely it is that you and your spouse will have a difficult time separating them in your divorce. Both of you are likely to have your own desired outcome for the asset division process. The substantial assets you have accrued during your marriage are nothing if not incentive for both of you to push harder in a divorce.

Higher assets mean you need to take greater care to protect yourself and your financial future. You need to consider how every decision you make could impact your divorce and your financial future. That includes evaluating your use of social media for the duration of your divorce.

Nothing is as private as you think it is

You may have set your social media profile to private, meaning that only individuals that you approve have access to your account. You may think that this will protect you from your spouse gathering evidence about your life after your separation through social media.

However, it is likely that at least some of the individuals on your friends list are still close with your ex as well. Depending on circumstances, they may be more than willing to feed information to your ex, from sharing pictures that you post to creating and sharing screenshots of private messages that you sent believing no one else would see it.

Any language that is angry, abusive or accusatory toward your ex could impact the outcome of your divorce. So, too, could social media posts bragging about your income, talking about drug or alcohol use, or displaying a negative or aggressive attitude. Even things you share that have more to do with your ex than you, such as a story about an affair, could impact the financial outcome of your divorce.

What you share online can affect custody and even support considerations

Although the division of assets in a Georgia divorce typically occurs without consideration of wrongdoing on the part of either spouse, that doesn’t mean that you should advertise your bad behavior or the emotional tumult you experience during the end of your marriage.

Whether you are already dating before the divorce is over or have chosen to numb your divorce pain with drugs and alcohol, sharing information about your behaviors online could cause issues. Your ex could theoretically use infidelity during divorce proceedings as part of their legal case regarding custody or the need for child support.

Although it is usually possible to modify orders related to custody, child support or spousal support, you could face serious financial repercussions if the things you share online make you seem unstable, dangerous or belligerent.